Steve B’s Bio

Support Worker at Edge Group Scotland


Steve B

Job title

Community Support Worker

Favourite quote

"If I can change, and you can change, we can all change" [Rocky 4]

Celebrity crush

Angelina Jolie

The weirdest thing about me

I still wake up early at the weekends to watch cartoons.

Biggest achievement

Travelling 5 of the 7 continents, 2 to go.

Fun / Random Fact About Me

I have a tattoo on my leg showing the countries that I have travelled to. Unfortunately, when getting it done I didn't see him colouring Japan and Philippines, which I still haven't seen…yet!

Favourite place in the world

Pai, in Thailand. Its motto is welcome back again.

Credentials prior to working with Edge

Lots of Support Work. My last job was Learning Assistant at a high school. Prior to this, I worked in Criminal Justice helping people to secure finance and housing.

What was it that made you join TeamEdge?

I was informed by the family of a client about the awesome change that it has made to his life and I wanted to be part of it.

What I enjoy doing outside of work

I have recently taken up golf which takes around 4 hours per round. I love climbing hills and mountains and playing any type of sport. I enjoy gardening and growing fruit and veg in my garden every year, sometimes well and sometimes not. I enjoy cooking and consider myself to be pretty good.

What makes me different

I am full of energy, loving and caring with a passion for everything that I try. I enjoy getting better at things and love seeing others improve.