Edge Group Scotland Support Worker Jordan

Jordan’s Bio

Support Worker at Edge Group Scotland



Job title

Support worker, assisting with the day to day needs of our various clients. 

Favourite quote

"Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans" John Lennon

Celebrity crush

Ariana Grande. 

The most embarrassing thing about me

I am nicknamed the time lord by friends and family some of whom don't even know each other due to my timekeeping skills. 

The weirdest thing about me

I love pineapple on pizza. 

Biggest achievement

Running a busy city centre cocktail bar & DJ venue and booking a lot of my favourite artists to come and play over three years. 

Fun fact

I lived in Greece for two years and worked as a DJ.

If I could write my own job description it would be...

The walker!

Credentials prior to working with Edge

20 years working in the hospitality industry.

Favourite place in the world

Havana, Cuba.

What do you like about working with Edge

I get to meet and work with so many different people and spend my working hours doing things I genuinely enjoy doing.

What I enjoy doing outside of work

Rock climbing, hill walking, sea swimming, gaming, cooking & baking to name a few. 

What makes me different

I have a different past with regard to my career & hobbies giving me different experiences I can implement into my work with Edge.