Edge Group Scotland's Community Manager - Jane

Jane’s Bio

Edge Group Scotland’s Clinical Manager

Jane is the Clinical Manager and oversees all aspects of Edge Group’s clinical department. She manages a dedicated and passionate team and is committed to providing the highest standard of care to her clients across Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Jane has a Master of Arts (honours) in Psychology from the University of Aberdeen and held several managerial posts in hospitality during her studies. Jane has also completed her level 4 SVQ in Health and Social Care.

Jane has worked in social care, specialising in Autism, since 2016. She is passionate about ensuring that her clients are kept at the centre of their own support and that their needs are heard. She has trained in MAPS and PATH person-centred planning framework, as well as the COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills - giving her the tools to support her clients in planning their futures and setting their goals.



Job title

Clinical Manager

Favourite quote

“Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes”

Celebrity crush

Jamie from Outlander.

Biggest achievement so far

Learning to drive.

Fun fact about me

When I worked in Australia I had some weird jobs - I was a 'sale' sign twirler outside of a swimwear store, a tomato picker on a farm, a motel maid and I lived in the bush for 3 months building a remote health centre (lots of snakes and spiders!).

Favourite place in the world

Iceland or the Scottish Highlands

What was it that prompted you to join Edge

Before I joined Edge I was working with another Autism specific social care agency - I was so impressed with how Edge operated and how different their approach to Autism and support work was. They are so person-centred and really treat each client as an individual - I knew I wanted to be part of it - and I have never looked back.

What do you like about working with Edge

Everybody’s crazy (in a good way)

What I enjoy doing outside of work

Hiking, snowboarding, camping, paddleboarding, swimming, painting and cooking.

Makes me different

I went travelling for 3 years after university and I think this taught me a lot- meeting lots of different people, different cultures and trying new things outside my comfort zone.