Clare’s Bio

Specialist Yoga Teacher at Edge Group Scotland

Clare has worked with autistic children in specialist school units for the past 12 years. She has practised yoga for over 25 years and has been a qualified yoga teacher with Yoga Scotland since 2013. She has studied with the Special Yoga Foundation and has been a qualified Special Yoga Teacher for 4 years.



Job title

Specialist Yoga Teacher

Favourite quote

"Be yourself, everyone else is taken” - Oscar Wilde

The weirdest thing about me

I have a double-jointed elbow!

Biggest achievement

My two kids, I'm incredibly proud of them both (My daughter has additional support needs so I have her to thank for my special yoga journey).

Fun fact

I own a 1950s jukebox and love collecting old records (especially funk and soul).

Favourite place in the world

Melbourne, where I met my husband.

What I enjoy doing outside of work

I love being outside with my dogs and travelling in our campervan.

What makes me different

I'm really interested in how we can all manage our emotions with the use of really simple techniques. It's certainly helped me in the work that I do. I'm always on the lookout for new tools to help teach people how to regulate themselves to make life a little easier.