Edge Group Scotland's Adventures & Marketing Manager, Claire

Claire’s Bio

Edge Group Scotland’s Adventures & Marketing Manager



Job title

Adventures & Marketing Manager - I look after all of the day trips, clubs, national and international adventures as well as the marketing for Edge Group Scotland. From promoting our adventures, organising events, building the websites and managing the social media to making sure Gareth and Jamie are organised (when you meet them, you will know!), not to mention making requests from the team for photos - yep, I am "that" person!

Favourite quote

"Do not regret things you've done but those you did not do" 

The most embarrassing thing about me

I have an obsession with Hippos - my house is full of them

The weirdest thing about me

I'm weird about cutlery (they must match and forks must be square, not round), cups (I can drink coffee out of any cup/mug but tea must be drunk out of specific cups only), routes of travel (I must walk on the same side of the road as my destination - drives my friends nuts!).... I could go on but you get the gist!

Biggest achievement

Being brave enough to change my career from the corporate world to social care - it was scary but very much worth it… should have made the leap years ago!

If I could write my own job description it would be...

Herder of cats and spinner of plates

Credentials prior to working with Edge

After university, I spent 10 years in the world of self storage managing storage centres and the marketing for the group followed by 6-7 years in the world of e-commerce, SEO and digital marketing. 

Favourite place in the world

Amsterdam - it's one of the few places that actually looks like it does in the photos!

Berlin - one of the most epic places to visit at Christmas time…EVER!

What do you like about working with Edge

The people - from colleagues to clients, they all rock 🤘

What I enjoy doing outside of work

Climbing, walking, a newly found love of paddlesports, having fun (fuelled by prosecco, obvs!) and enjoying good food!

What makes me different

I'd like to say my sparkling personality and wit but in reality, it's a different perspective. With a largely business/corporate background, being able to introduce different technologies, systems and processes has helped reduce the workload for others. I'm a lover of making life easier so I like to utilise technology, if it can be automated, automate it!