Edge Group Scotland's Community Coordinator, Bailey

Bailey’s Bio

Edge Group Scotland’s Senior Support Worker

She has a BA in Drama and Performance, a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, and an MA in Human-Animal Interaction.

Bailey has worked with individuals with disabilities for over 10 years and has specialised in autism for the last 5 years. While at Edge Group Scotland Ltd, she gained an SVQ 3 in Health and Social Care and a module in COSCA counselling skills.




Bailey Bee

Job title

Senior Support Worker. Empowering young people, encouraging self-worth and confidence, helping to shape self-identities.

Favourite quote

"No matter what people tell you; words and ideas can change the world."

Celebrity crush

Blake Lively/John Cleese

The most embarrassing thing about me

I talk to animals even when nobody else is around. I’m hoping one day they will answer me back.

Nobody knows about me

When I was a dancer, I broke my toes so many times that now they are weird looking.

3 words that best describe what you do at Edge

Educator, Cheerleader, Listener.

Fun fact about me

I write plays under a pseudonym.

Credentials prior to working with Edge

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MA Human-Animal Interaction, 3 years’ experience working with individuals of all ages and families with autism.

Favourite place in the world

I haven’t found my favourite place in the world yet because I still have so much more exploring to do.

What do you like about working with Edge

Knowing I can have a positive impact on someone’s life, and I love how varied the work is.

What I enjoy doing outside of work

Hobbies: Being outside, writing, reading, swimming, being with my pets, performing and learning new skills (currently trying to learn how to roller skate and play the keyboard. Neither are going great but I’m keeping at it!)

Makes me different

I come from a creative and science background and I bring those skills to the table. I really focus on the self-esteem and self-worth of our clients.