Scroll below to view the full-text version of our complaints procedure


Purpose of Policy

To ensure that grievances and complaints are recorded and responded to efficiently and promptly. To ensure fair, objective and timely investigation into all grievances and complaints.

Policy Content

Edge Group Scotland Ltd. strives for excellence in all that we do. We pride ourselves on providing care and support to a high standard. However, we know that there are times when things may go wrong. We want and need to know about these situations so that we can put things right and can apply what we can learn from the situation to improve the way we work.

We take all complaints seriously and cooperate with all the necessary statutory bodies to ensure that they are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the timescales set out in this procedure. We will ensure that, where necessary, referrals are made to the SSSC or other bodies required for matters of adult and child safeguarding. We will keep complainants apprised of the situation at all times. Any complaint we receive is seriously considered and dealt with confidentially and as a priority.

How do I make a complaint?

There are two types of complaint:

1. Informal complaint

You might want to raise a problem that you feel is not necessarily serious enough to raise a formal complaint. This is fine and will not be treated any less seriously. Matters raised in this way will be put right quickly, ideally within 24 hours, and within 3 days as a maximum.

Our desire is that all complaints can be resolved at this first stage. Whilst most complaints should be resolved through informal discussion, if you are still unhappy then you can raise a formal complaint and we will investigate the matter further.

2. Formal complaint

You can decide exactly how you would like to get in touch with us:

  • You can call our Head Office on 0131 285 8930

  • You can email us at:

  • You can complete our online form: Complaints Form

  • Or write to us: Edge Group Scotland Ltd, Summers House, Eskmills, Station Road, Musselburgh. EH21 7PE. If you write to us, please include:

    • Your name

    • Your address

    • Your email address

    • Your contact telephone number

    • The date when the incident occurred

    • A detailed account of the complaint

  • Please mark the envelope or your email subject line ā€˜Complaint - Private and Confidentialā€

Please give us your complaint in detail, (including why you have not been satisfied with our response to an informal complaint), and what you would like us to do to put things right. We will work on the same timescales as the initial complaint.

It is better if we receive a complaint in writing. However, in the situation of receiving a verbal complaint we will ensure that this is recorded and acknowledged. We will offer you assistance in formulating and documenting your complaint in these circumstances.

How long will it take?

It is our aim to respond fully to complaints within ten working days of receiving the complaint. We will always acknowledge receipt of any complaint within three working days. If a response is not possible within the time frame set out, for example where more detailed investigation is required, we will contact you within the ten-day period to inform you of this and set realistic expectations for the conclusion of the process.

What we will do

We will ensure that the level and quality of the service provided to you/the student continues and there is no adverse effect on the service received, while the complaint is investigated.

We aim to rectify mistakes and tackle issues in a way that satisfies you. We will seriously consider any suggestions you may make in your complaint. It is our intention to deal with the issue immediately and in a professional manner, and in doing so avoid lengthy debates.

Throughout the process, we will treat you with respect and courtesy. We will deal with your complaint in a discreet, professional and confidential manner.

We will consider everything you have told us (and collect more information from you if needed) before reaching a conclusion. You will be informed of this conclusion and any actions we will put in place as a result. This will be given to you in writing.

If your complaint contains a serious allegation, we may need to contact the relevant authorities. We would do this automatically without additional correspondence or authorisation from you.

The Managing Director will manage all communications with the media. In some cases, our insurers will have to be informed and we will sometimes take legal advice before proceeding with a response to a complaint.

Who will handle your complaint?

Initially, all complaints will be received and reviewed by the Operations Manager, who will then decide if another manager is best placed to deal with the complaint. If your complaint is of a serious nature, the Managing Director will be assigned to communicate with you.

What if my complaint concerns a member of staff?

When we receive a complaint or are notified of any other matter, regarding the conduct of a particular staff member, we have a duty to investigate and take such other action as we may consider necessary until we have sufficient information to resolve the issue to our satisfaction.

In the event of the complaint being against staff, we will ensure that the staff member is fully informed and receives a copy of the complaint. They will be invited to respond to the complaint and state their version of events. This must be submitted in writing within seven days of the complaint being logged. This statement may be shared with the complainant. Where necessary, we will immediately suspend the staff member whilst an investigation is in progress.

However, if disciplinary action is taken against a member of staff because of your complaint, an internal process will apply. You will be informed that disciplinary action has taken place, but as these proceedings are confidential you will only be informed of the details or outcome of matters outside of this procedure.

We must refer staff to their professional body where there are concerns about their fitness to practice, misconduct, or concerns about their health. Where there is evidence of misconduct or the complaint is an event that requires notification, Edge Group Scotland Ltd will immediately notify the relevant regulatory authority (usually the Scottish Social Services Council), and the police if necessary. Where a member of staff is dismissed due to fitness to practice or misconduct, we will also notify Disclosure Scotland.

What if I am still unhappy at the end of the complaints process?

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint handled by Edge Group Scotland Ltd, you can contact the Care Inspectorate, which is the regulatory body for social care in Scotland. Edge Group Scotland Ltd will cooperate with any appeal raised and aim to reach an accepted outcome.

The Care Inspectorate can be contacted at the following address:

Care Inspectorate, Compass House, 11 Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD1 4NY.

Telephone: 01382 207100

You have the right to refer any concerns directly to the Care Inspectorate at any time.